Escape the Matrix

The enemy, Satan, seeks to DISTRACT, TEMPT, LIE in order to steal your soul. The enemy can come in many forms:

  • BIOLOGICAL WARFARE (Pharmakeia). Graphene oxide hydrogel nanoparticles through vaccines designed to track and manipulate your FREE WILL over to SATAN. Remember to never take any injection in the name of Science. You must renounce all witchcraft, detox and refuse any mandatory medical experiments designed to harvest your soul.
  • Fear-Trauma-Harm. Any form of fear, harm can be used against you to keep you from TRUSTING GOD. Read Dissociation Revealed and Healed in Scripture for healing of those suffering from past trauma.
  • Man-Made Religion. Man-made religion may convince you to worship (bow down and give reverance) to self, earth in the name of climate change, demons pretending to be aliens. In the last days, the spiritual “harlot” riding the “BEAST” is the UNION OF CHURCH AND STATE AS ONE CONTROLLING WORLD POWER.

It’s important to remember never to give Satan, the enemy, more attention than necessary as the temptation to wage war directly against Satan is FORBIDDEN in scripture. Rather, Satan uses LIES (Illusions mostly by twisting words, and through witchcraft). The only real weapon is TRUTH as FACTS not the opinions held as “facts” which are really lies of men or devils.


Physical Health and Spirituality

A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the “language of life” may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, heritage or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every woman, child and man, past and present. — Amazon book description, The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future. According to Gregg Braden, the message of the first layer of DNA is, “GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY." And so it is that science has discovered the God message written within us. The genetic codes in our bodies were created by God the Father. They form a book of sorts written by God Himself. In other words, your genetic material is sacred text.

The following resources may help improve your physical health which has direct influence on your soul (wellbeing).