The Mystery Religion of Bablyon

The source of confusion today in religion comes from what Scripture calls the Beast, or Mystery Babylon, which is a profound spiritual concept that originated in the garden of Eden when Satan tempted mankind away from soley trusting in God for salvation with an alternative man-made religion (knowledge of good vs. evil) primarily referring to the papal power and the Catholic Church as the true anti-christ system.

Confusion in the world today around what’s right and wrong exist because the world is being intently directed with a counterfeit narrative (or false light) agenda inspired by Lucifer/Satan about fighting the bad guys, overcoming evil for good, whether it’s for social justice, politics, uniting state and religion, or just making the world a better place. All these things seem good, but ultimately lead to the Anti-Christ because they deny the physicial and spiritual realities of Jesus Christ as Lord.

The Anti-Christ, man of lawless has been working in the world ever since 300ad through a fallen nationalized version of Christianity having a form of godliness (religious man-made traditions) denying it’s power (Holy Spirit). Many may be deceived through relying on believing facts about the historical Jesus or for a soon coming Saviour that will save Christianity by merging religion and government, because they never formed Christ within them in the first place that should give them power over sin, because they are too focused on historical belief systems of Jesus or are waiting for a Jesus to return and save their country or religion and were never taught that they need Christ formed within them to be set free from sin.

The appearance of good (something that seems good on the outside, materially, but is deceptive on the inside, because it doesn’t bring inner transformation and can’t discern between motives) is the greatest evil, in the sense that uniting state and religion to force moralistic laws, whether they are for individual freedom or for protection of the greatest good, still falls short of God’s righteousness, which is inner transformation, rather than exterior religious behavior modification.

The Anti-Christ (Pope ruling from Vatican) comes from fallen religion (Christianity). False religion is an exterior form of religion (worship of earth), rather that inner transformation.

Satan’s ultimate goal is worship through mystery religion, but God alone deserves worship! The Pope in the Vatican is the “Beast” anti-christ religious global system because it is a replacement of Christ within with an exterior form religion which has the appearance of good when in fact it is just self-righteousness.

Satan will use the knowledge of good and evil to seduce you into a false light where you think you good because you are fighting against evil (where you, yourself are a savior), when in fact you are still falling short of God’s standard.

Moralism or exterior laws which seem good but are flawed is part of Satan’s end time global religion which result in self righteousness (appearance of good), violence, (fight & flight mentality) where God’s solution to the problem of evil is interior transformation to Christ-like selfless compassion.

Satan’s mystery religion is that you can know good and evil and save yourself by becoming your own god (working on your own salvation), however God says God alone knows good and evil (harm) and He alone saves. If you believe in the Gospel, the God showed that the worst evil (crucifiction) was used for good (reconciliation and God’s righteousness demonstrated through selfless-love).

Satan has consistently attempted to create a counterfeit religious system that appears godly but actually serves his purposes. This pattern is characterized by visible, exterior institutions and individuals who claim to worship God but actually promote materialism, greed, rebellion, pride, and self-salvation.

The world is growing closer to dependance on Artificial Intelligence, transhumanism, a totaltarian, technocratic society which will be used to control and monitor people, particularly in enforcing religious observance of the “Beast”.

Understanding the TRUE GOSPEL (or Good News), which is God’s solution or remedy to this problem of the knowledge of good and evil (The knowledge of good/evil which results in lust for power, money, greed, man’s fallen nature) is the escape to the problems of the world (fear of death, evil, sin).

The true church is invisible to this religious military industrial complex, and is spiritual. There are God’s children everywhere that genuinely love God and following Christ through self-denial. The “Man of lawlessness” represents institutional religion (Christlam/Abramic faiths) of men of lawlessless which is counterifeit (external) religion. Jesus was all about your INNER TRANSFORMATION, STATE OF MIND, INTERNAL STATE OF MIND (HEART) which is repentance.

The Solution is Christ in YOU which must save you, not looking back at the historical Jesus. The same Jesus Christ that died on the Cross must also be in YOU to save YOU. Theology, creeds, church attendance, works does not save you. Only the Spirit of Jesus Christ WITHIN YOU can SAVE YOU. Believing in the historical event of the crucifixtion of Christ is NOT enough to save you, you must RECIEVE CHRIST and have POWER OVER SIN to be saved and go to HEAVEN.

Trusting in God through Christ alone is a REAL RELATIONSHIP is the remedy to Satan’s counterfeit solution/salvation.